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Must I keep my child at home if the Education Assistant is away?

If your child normally has an education assistant available to assist, what happens when the EA is unavailable? Sometimes parents are told not to bring their child to school or asked to pick them up early. Can a board do this?

The school cannot require you to keep your child with a disability at home or require you to pick up the child in these circumstances. They must make suitable arrangements to ensure your child has the support they need at the school. The school has a duty to accommodate your child’s disability related needs to the point of undue hardship. If the Board suggests you must assist them in this way, make sure to tell them that you expect the board to support your child or learner even when an education assistant may not be available; or to make suitable alternative staffing arrangements. For more information on the duty to accommodate, see our entry on the law.

For a more detailed explanation about exclusions from school, see our entry, What if the school excludes my child?

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