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Which boards are leaders in inclusive education?

To understand how a particular board operates its special education programs, you should review its Special Education Plan. Special Education Plans are required of each board in the province. They detail the board’s operations and, if the board has them, the plans will often describe the types of special education classes they operate and how many. School board websites may also do so.

In 2020, IAO reviewed the special education plans of all the English Boards in an effort to understand which boards were operating on an inclusive model. Below you will find listed the boards that we concluded were operating with either few or no special education classrooms. If you are contemplating moving to find a more inclusive board, be sure to speak to the administration first to confirm how the board is actually operating; or if they are contemplating a change in their model to a less inclusive model.

Avon Maitland District School Board

Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board

Halton Catholic District School Board

Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board

Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board

Huron Perth Catholic District School Board

Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board

Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

Northeastern Catholic District School Board

Northwest Catholic District School Board

Renfrew County Catholic District School Board

Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board

Superior-Greenstone District School Board

Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board

Trillium Lakelands District School Board

Upper Grand District School Board

Waterloo Catholic District School Board

Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board

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